The National Network Range of Services
Whether you are an individual, an aged care organisation, or you are seeking support to access needed services or wish to advocate for improved access for CALD communities, we can assist.

We’re here for Individuals including Carers
We can assist seniors, their families and carers to find and access the right home care services. We provide information and advice free of charge.
Our services include:
- Free information and advice about home care services
- My Aged Care (MAC) website – we help you navigate the process
- Provide a range of aged care support services
- Home care service referrals
- Advocacy for individual clients and their families
We’re here for Aged Care Organisations
Our network of aged care not-for-profit organisations have the experience and knowledge to assist aged care organisations in providing support and guidance.
Our services include:
- Partnership and collaboration opportunities
- Joint submissions opportunities
- Advocacy
- Service system improvements and innovation

We’re here for the Multicultural & Ethnic Senior Community
We are a platform for advocacy and representation, to improve access to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.
Our services include:
- Advocate on behalf of ethnic senior communities
- Represent ethnic seniors
- Monitor access and equity regarding aged care provision.
Contact Us
We welcome enquires from individuals and organisations who require assistance from our National Network. Whether you are an individual who needs guidance to navigate the aged care system for a CALD senior, or you are an organisation who is looking for support and independent direction, we look forward to hearing from you.